
Transforming Vision Inspection with AI and Deep Learning

Discover how Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning algorithms boost our inspection systems, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in quality control.

Artificial Intelligence in Vision Inspection

Within the ever-evolving realm of the plastic packaging industry, maintaining the highest standards of product quality remains a top priority. The role of vision inspection as a major element of quality assurance has undergone a remarkable evolution - thanks to the breakthroughs in deep learning technology. By harnessing the power of deep learning, vision inspection processes in manufacturing have been significantly enhanced, leading to superior accuracy, efficiency, and an overall boost in product quality.
In the following, let's dive deeper into some of the real-life AI solutions that we have developed for our vision systems. By integrating state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms with our already robust vision inspection technology, we are not merely keeping pace with industry standards; we are redefining them. Our approach centers on harnessing the power of AI to analyze and interpret complex visual data in high-speed applications. This allows for the detection of even the smallest imperfections, ensuring every product that leaves the production line is of the highest possible quality. From detecting subtle variances in color and texture to recognizing intricate patterns and shapes, our AI-enhanced vision systems are equipped to handle the full spectrum of quality control challenges with unprecedented precision and efficiency.

At a glance

Key benefits of Artificial Intelligence in vision inspection

Automated defect detection

Deep learning trained on large datasets improve quality control

Anomaly detection

Beyond Pattern Recognition: Uncovering hidden defects and detecting irregularities

Adaptive Learning

Ensuring product quality in complex and changing manufacturing conditions



Continuous feedback loops

Adapting and enhancing accuracy even when products evolve

Reducing false positives and negatives

Improving defect detection accuracy and minimizing inspection errors

Quality forecasting

Proactive maintenance to prevent defects before they occur and to boost OEE

Deep Learning for Tethered Caps

Previously, vision systems needed a large number of samples for setup, containing every type of closure defect that should be detected. This approach reached its limits quickly or caused additional development effort when specialty closures or tethered caps were inspected. Now, a software solution based on Deep Learning has been implemented: It improves this time-consuming procedure, allowing to detect various closure defects even for challenging closure types.

With our new approach, the operator can train the system based on a pool of a few good parts, ensuring that deviations from the defined "good" closures will get rejected automatically. This means that our system catches even the smallest imperfections and ensures that your products meet the highest standards of quality.

In the past, closures were usually rotationally symmetrical and no alignment was required. The introduction of tethered caps has ensured that new, asymmetrical geometries and designs have been established on the market. Our new software approach ensures that even complex, asymmetrical designs can be inspected. However, it is not necessary to align the closures, as the software is trained with closures in different rotational positions.

Setting up the inspection is particularly intuitive. The reference creation enables the operator to define the areas to be inspected for defects. The operator uses a tolerance value to distinguish in the evaluation between a good and bad closure. Thereby, full control over the production quality and inspection is always guaranteed.

Dive deeper into AI used for closure inspection by watching the following video.


Neural network enhances preform detection accuracy

The PreMon leverages AI for precise position detection of preforms. Thus, the setup of new products is streamlined by automatically identifying preforms without manual, time-consuming setup steps.

Initially, classical algorithms using template matching were employed, but they proved unreliable for highly transparent preforms, varying conveyor belt distances, dirty conveyors, and other challenging situations. To overcome these limitations, a neural network was developed and is now deployed across all PreMon systems. This advanced AI solution ensures consistent and accurate preform detection, enhancing efficiency and reliability in preform monitoring.


Overcoming no-label-look IML challenges with AI

Advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms transform the landscape of IML quality control, especially with regard to transparent labels on transparent carriers. This previously presented a significant hurdle, resulting in unwarranted rejections.

Our AI-powered IMLWatcher inspects for any deviation from the reference image, such as missing or incorrect labels, blow-byes, and more. By using a top camera looking inside the bucket and a special lens, products can be positioned in any rotation in front of the camera, ensuring accurate inspection even with severe misalignment. Setting up a new product is streamlined into just two small steps, after which the system is inspection-ready. An anomaly score indicates deviations, allowing operators to adjust tolerance levels based on their specific quality requirements.


Boosting sleeve label inspection accuracy with AI

The SleeveWatcher employs AI-driven anomaly detection, offering superior robustness compared to traditional methods. Unlike conventional inspection, which can be inconsistent with product variations, anomaly detection identifies only unusual events and extraordinary behavior in datasets. It evaluates deviations from the typical appearance of sleeve labels.

For instance, shiny sleeve labels may cause reflections that traditional methods misclassify as defects, leading to false rejects. However, the AI system recognizes such reflections as normal variations, accurately distinguishing real defects from harmless deviations. This results in significantly improved precision and consistency in sleeve label inspection.


FAQs about Intravis AI

  • While AI is a powerful tool that significantly enhances vision inspection systems, it is not a universal solution for every problem. AI-driven vision inspection offers remarkable benefits, such as improved accuracy, efficiency, and the ability to handle complex tasks. However, its effectiveness depends on several factors, like proper implementation, quality of data, and specific application requirements.

    AI excels in identifying patterns, detecting anomalies, and making real-time decisions, which can greatly enhance quality control processes. Yet, traditional methods and human oversight remain crucial, especially in situations where AI might face limitations or require fine-tuning. Integrating AI with existing technologies and expertise ensures a balanced approach, leveraging the strengths of both AI and conventional methods to achieve optimal results in vision inspection systems.

  • Artificial Intelligence in vision inspection systems extends beyond merely identifying defects. AI can also enhance predictive maintenance and quality forecasting. By analyzing historical and real-time data, AI models can predict potential issues in machinery or processes, enabling proactive maintenance to prevent defects before they occur. This predictive capability improves overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and ensures consistent product quality by providing actionable insights and trends.

    A first step in the direction of full data utilization is possible by using the IntraVisualizer. It's a data analytics software that collects and analyzes all quality data of INTRAVIS inspection systems in one place.

  • Deep learning models significantly enhance the accuracy of vision inspection systems by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify subtle patterns and anomalies. Traditional inspection methods often rely on predefined rules and manual inspection, which can miss complex defects or variations in product quality. In contrast, deep learning models learn from large datasets of images and other relevant information, allowing them to recognize and understand intricate details that might indicate a defect.

    These models use neural networks to process and analyze data, learning to differentiate between acceptable variations and true defects. This ability to learn and adapt makes deep learning models particularly effective in detecting subtle anomalies that might go unnoticed with traditional inspection techniques.

    Moreover, deep learning models continuously improve over time as they are exposed to more data. This ongoing learning process means that the accuracy of defect detection increases, leading to more reliable and consistent quality control. As a result, manufacturers can achieve higher product quality and reduce waste, rework, and customer complaints.

  • Traditional inspection methods rely on static criteria and predefined rules, which can be limited in handling complex and variable patterns. AI improves accuracy in vision inspection systems by continuously learning from vast amounts of data, which enhances its ability to recognize and categorize defects. AI systems evolve over time, refining their algorithms based on new data and feedback. This dynamic learning process reduces the likelihood of human error and ensures that evaluations remain consistent and precise, even as production conditions or product designs change.

    Moreover, advanced AI algorithms are capable of identifying subtle patterns and correlations in the data that may not be apparent to human inspectors. For instance, an AI system can detect complex relationships between different types of defects and specific stages in the manufacturing process, which can lead to more effective root cause analysis and process optimization. This level of detail and accuracy is particularly beneficial in industries where high precision and stringent quality control are paramount. By leveraging AI, manufacturers can achieve higher standards of quality, minimize waste, and improve overall operational efficiency.

  • Yes, AI can significantly improve predictive maintenance in vision inspection systems. By analyzing historical and real-time data, AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies that indicate potential machinery issues before they lead to failures. This predictive capability allows for proactive maintenance, addressing problems before they escalate and reducing unexpected downtime. As a result, equipment effectiveness is enhanced, maintenance costs are lowered, and the overall reliability and efficiency of the production process are improved. Implementing AI-driven predictive maintenance ensures that vision inspection systems remain operational and optimal, supporting consistent product quality and production efficiency.
  • Implementing AI in existing vision inspection systems can be straightforward, as our AI solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with current hardware and software. This enhances inspection capabilities without the need for a complete system overhaul. How smoothly the integration proceeds depends on the unique characteristics and setup of your existing systems.

    Our team is happy to support you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal integration. We work closely with you to understand your system's requirements and customize AI solutions to meet your needs. Please contact us for an upgrade check!


Find out how AI can support your production process

Discover the power of our AI-driven software solutions, tailored for a wide spectrum of products within the plastic packaging industry. Explore how it can elevate your operations!