Successful commissioning: Two SpotWatcher Customized for Switzerland

The successful commissioning of two SpotWatcher Customized at our customer Müller AG Plastics in Switzerland took place at the end of September. This project marks a milestone for us and our customer – not just because of the special technical solutions we implemented here. SpotWatcher in the new Slash design are being used here for the first time.
Customized inspection systems for the highest demands
Like every INTRAVIS system, the systems are specially tailored to the customer's needs and combine flexibility with state-of-the-art technology. In addition to established inspections such as the inspection of the side wall, the mouth area and the outer base, the systems also offer unusual features, some of which are used here with new technical solutions.
These exceptional features include:
- Additional cameras to inspect the container handles, side contour and head side surface to accommodate the particular size of the canisters.
- Extended measurement of thread dimensions for straight and angled neck canisters: It is now also possible to inspect threads of objects with concealed neck finishes.
The inspection of canisters, which are manufactured in volumes from 3 to 30 liters and in different colors, requires a high degree of precision on the one hand and great adaptability on the other - requirements that the SpotWatcher easily meets.
Fully automated product changeover: flexibility redefined
A highlight of the systems is the fully automated product changeover function. The mechanical components such as cameras, lighting units or even the separator are adapted to a new product in the line at the touch of a button. This saves our customer valuable time, as the adaptation to different canister sizes is carried out without manual intervention. This feature not only ensures more efficient production, but also minimizes the risk of errors when setting the quality criteria.
Innovation meets design: the SpotWatcher in slash design
We are particularly proud of the fact that these systems have been realized for the first time in our new slash design, which is characterized by a largely closed construction. The wide, smooth surfaces also reduce susceptibility to soiling and make cleaning easier. What's more, the combination of functionality and modern design also sets visual accents in our customer's production hall.
For our customer, these are not the first systems from our company: with the integration of the two SpotWatcher Customized, he is expanding his existing quality control and continues to rely on the proven precision and reliability of INTRAVIS. We would like to thank Müller AG Plastics for their trust and look forward to further cooperation in the future.